Can vibrators affect someone’s clitoral/vulvar sensitivity? If so, why?

It’s interesting as the debate about sex toys such as vibrators and sexual desensitisation is always a hot topic but rarely spoken about from a research background. There’s very little research on intimate vibrators and body sensitivity, and many of the resources out there on it are based on moral panic around sex toys that stem from the myth that vibrators were invented by medical professionals to cure hysteria.
What I do know is that it can vary from individual to individual, and here are some of the top reasons someone may have clitoral and vulvar sensitivity changes after using a sex toy.
Lichen sclerosis is a condition where the vulva and clitoris may be prone to injury due to skin fragility, someone with this condition may be more sensitive or even less responsive to vibrators due to this. They also may find certain sex toy materials more comfortable than others.
Some cardiovascular conditions which lead to Raynaud’s may lead to someone experiencing numbing sensations when using a vibrator. This is because of how the blood vessels in the area struggle with dilation and this can make it harder for the genitals to become aroused. This is rare and often only occurs with extremely high-powered sex toys, but I’ve had a few people with Raynaud’s in my clinic report this happens to not only their vulva but also nipples.
It could be psychosexual and that someone is stuck in sexual repetitiveness, and that their mind finds the sex toy use predictable. Some people find switching sex toys or exploring a pattern they wouldn’t normally can help resolve this.
There may be other psychosexual reasons causing the brain to block out certain physical touch and sensations. Sometimes this may be due to trauma.
Chronic pain and health conditions and even neurodivergent conditions can switch the brain into overwhelm when vibrations are used, as conditions like this often involve a lot of the nervous system. Learning to reduce the overall overwhelm can help.
Scarring from previous infections such as genital herpes, may make sex toys uncomfortable to use.
Female genital mutilation may make sex toy use uncomfortable and sexual toy vibrations feel unpleasant.
Hormonal changes such as menopause and perimenopause may make vibrations feel more sensitive than they used to be. Using a vaginal estrogen cream can help.
Some medications may cause sensitivity to the genitals. Never stop taking prescribed medication without chatting to a GP beforehand though.
How can sex toy users avoid overstimulation?
Use lubricant as this can reduce friction from vibrations. If you are extra sensitive, speaking to your healthcare provider for other options can help. Some healthcare providers recommend applying a skin-safe emollient before applying a water-based lubricant. It’s always best to ask your GP for what they suggest.
Having an item of clothing between your body and the vibrator may make using the sex toy feel more comfortable.
Applying a different part of the sex toy to your body may help, as vibrations can feel different when they come from a different surface area of a sex toy.
opt for a soft-touch sex toy, as the padded silicone can feel more comfortable and aggravate the skin less.
Some sex toys are rumblier in vibrations and others buzzier. Some may find one type more comfortable than the other, and experimenting can help work out what type of sex toy is right for you.
Should they limit usage?
If sex toys feel uncomfortable, taking a break from using them for a while can be helpful. Sometimes there may be an injury that just needs some time to heal.
If it’s an ongoing problem talking to your GP may be able to help, as they can help solve the reason why you may find sex toys uncomfortable or refer you to someone who does.
How would you advise someone who has become reliant on vibrators to climax to reconnect with physical touch?
You don’t need to stop using sex toys completely and rather it’s better to include them in other sexual practices when you’re trying to explore new ways to enjoy yourself erotically. If you’re really struggling to enjoy alternative sexual practices, allowing yourself to enjoy using the sex toy for a bit then adding in the other practice can be a good way to add a positive build in your neural network. This can help your brain and body associate other sexual practices as something good too.
What are some of the benefits of starting with physical touch and building up to using toys?
Sensate touch can also be another method that helps some people learn alternatives to just having sex in a particular way. Often Sensate touch is prescribed when someone has become stuck in having sex a certain way and it doesn’t feel enjoyable any more. When this is getting stuck in a masturbation pattern, a person will be prescribed not to masturbate for a few weeks, and be offered other ways to connect with their body.
The first week is often focused on sensations such as massage or washing hands, and just taking a moment to think about the sensations that occur during that action, do they feel ok or not, and even if there are no feelings towards those actions. Erogenous zones are slowly added, and eventually, orgasm-focused sex or masturbation is added in again. The goal is to remind our body and mind that sex and sexual pleasure can be a whole-body experience and not just genital-focused.
For those afraid of using vibrators, in case they reduce sensitivity, how would you advise introducing them into self-play and partnered sex?
It’s extremely rare for sex toys to lead to long-term sensitivity changes. Taking breaks between sex toy use and even changing the vibration setting can help reduce the possibility of any injury.
Start slow with using the sex toy on the genitals for short bursts and slowly build up the time.